The information and debate session held in the Arklow Bay Hotel last night on the forthcoming referendum was very successful for me. It certainly consolidated my views.
The Referendum should NEVER have been initiated. It has the potential to do more damage than good unless a resounding YES vote. A number of NO voters were unable to give any concrete solution or reason why we should vote NO. In fact I got the impression that the NO voters who did not give their names or politcal alliance; were Sin Fein members attempting to play party politics.
They raised the local Irish issue of the Anglo Bank debt and were attempting to tell us that we should vote NO in protest against the Anglo Irish Bank debt and the fact that we have lost our sovereignty.
Apart from the 800 account holders, I would be confident that 99% of voters would vote against the payment of this criminal debt. But the Referendum is not about Anglo Bank or our sovereignty. Voting NO will give us neither! So please - will the NO voters tell me if we vote NO what is your solution for the future?
Unfortunately the referendum is all about party politics when it should be a debate about the solutions and road map on how we move forward for the future.
Sin Fein appear to be using the referendum to take away more Fianna Fail voters.
Fine Gael & Labour are attempting to use the referendum to justify their budgets and austerity measures.
You have to ask yourself - why are we having this referendum?
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