My day job means I am up early before 6am in the morning. So it won't come as no surprise that I had my vote completed before 8am. But this election did give me the feeling of history in the making as far as results were concerned. So I can imagine there is a lot of anxiety amongst candidates today and tomorrow after all the efforts of volunteers and party followers over recent weeks.
My fear remains of the people who will not vote. Yesterday in a local shop in Arklow, I got talking to two people behind the counter and both highlight the tragedy and fear we all SHOULD have.
One was a local lady who will not vote because of her frustration and 'fear of voting' someone in who might do more damage. While she did not want to leave Ireland, the rest of her family do want to move to Australia. She is working and they are not. Naturally I put forward a strong case for voting, but at the same time, respected her view and circumstances. How many others like this will not vote?
The other working person in the shop was a young well motivated married man from South Africa. He was unable to vote and will be leaving Ireland before 17th March, after spending 9 years here. Both cases highlight the tragedy of the community losing good hard working people. If this is being replicated 80,000 times over the next 18 months, it is easy to see how the Irish market will continue to contract and how ......
Ireland is in Crisis.
.........and some serious questions need to be asked to the opposition of the last number of years who will now be governing the state? ....the same will go for the new opposition who also sat in the Dail over the last number of years?
These questions will be set out in this blog next week.
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