Sunday, 27 February 2011

The People Kick Start Change

History will record that it was "The Irish Election 2011" that kick started the much required "movement for action" on the island of Ireland in the 21st century.

The current politicial parties should now ponder carefully over the coming days and weeks on the results. The current key national media will also address the realities:

Most Fianna Fail voters put country before party.

Fine Gael received high percentage of protest votes of people who had no other alternative (fear of unstable government)

The high number of Votes for Independents  reflecting the key need for change and providing an alternative for the future.

The number of people not voting indicating no confidence in current system and immigrants unable to vote

Let me expand on the last point.  I met a number of people over the last week who told me why they would not vote.  One of the key points for me was the vote for "No Confidence in Ireland when it comes to those in authority". That is to say:
*Those in power of the banking system abused their power
*Those in power of the Catholic Church abused their power and
*Those in political power abused their power

Who can u have confidence in?

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